day 4 with kaffe and i like him a lot now....pam is so right...the best thing for kaffe is MORE kaffe xoxo
a few shops later... |
the best score was at ben franklin...i stopped there just hoping to find a suitable back on their sale table but i also found a few other kaffe prints on sale xo |
but the BEST find was 6 yards of this soft goodness is more than suitable so i decided to take a chance...i was a bit worried about it being rayon...but this quilt is going to live in HOT HOT mexico and it felt sooo perfect ...and it was 54 wide ~ 5.99 a yard !!! |
so i made a little sampler today on my lunch break ~ washed and dried it...finished up so soft ...PERFECTO !!!
so much prettier in person xoxo | | |
i am so happy and so ready to get started on this beauty...and i think i have plenty of triangles cut...34 prints so FAR...i used mostly 1/4 yard cuts [ each width of fabric produced 7 triangles = 258 not counting solids] to keep the cost down but now i am sad cuz i have no scraps....
happy monday xoxo pam ~ linking up with randi @
ihavetosay for show and tell tuesday ~ she is doing triangles too !