
Saturday, October 29, 2011

bloggers' quilt festival 2011

it is time again....time to play and be inspired....i made a lot of fun quilts this year  but this is one of my favorites for sure....first i fell in love with innocent crush by anna marie horner and the idea of  mixing in some solids ...then with a little help from my sisters and the internet i was loosely inspired by a denyse schmidt " not so charcaol" design....
there is no pattern and i just had fun....and my daughter lily loved it so it became her high school graduation quilt....

i love everything about this quilt....the fabric, design and the irregular quilting with special messages to lily

made a fun runner w the left over blocks

seeing double? my sister joy made the one in front for her niece's grad....she used solid centers....i mixed mine up...

and from the itty bitty scraps i made baby ticker tape.....


thanks for coming sure to check out the bloggers' quilt festival where you will find sooooo much inspiration....thanks for organizing amy!  ~ pam ~

Thursday, October 27, 2011

birthday lunch and lemoncake for laura and a new laptop!

woke this morning knowing i was seeing my old friend laura for a bd lunch and remembering how much she loved my lemon cake..... i had to search for this recipe cuz it has been soooo long ...i don't even remember who i got the recipe from... it is  handwritten and been in my special cookbook for over 20 years....

the secret is in the lemon glaze....

 recipe for most delicious lemon cake...

1/2 c butter                         1 1/2 c flour
1 c sugar                             1 t baking powder
2 eggs                                 1/2 t salt
1/2 c milk or buttermilk      1 lemon / juice and grated peel

in large bowl cream butter, sugar, and 1 egg.
beat in second egg, blend in milk.
in second bowl thoroughly sift flour, baking powder, salt and grated lemon rind
combine and stir to moisten
spoon into greased pan....
bake at 350 F for approx. 1 hour till it tests done
remove from oven and drizzle glaze on top

combine juice of lemon and 1/4 c sugar in small sauce pan heat and stir till sugar has dissolved....

yum yum eat it up....xoxoxo pam

also want to mention that this is my first post from my brand spanking new dell 17" laptop....a special gift from my special husband for our 26 th anniversary! thank you nick!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

all about love

came upon this while catching up on my favorite blogs today....we can all aspire to leave such a beautiful legacy of LOVE LOVE LOVE behind us one day.....

happy saturday everyone!!!  ~ pam ~

Monday, October 17, 2011

slowly but surely and a little string of happy

i am starting to feel better.....the worst part about taking mega antibiotics is the extreme fatigue....not going to complain too much cuz i am so lucky to have them available to me.....not so long ago i could have been a goner.....instead i am slowly getting stronger and i have even spent a few hours in my wonderful sewing room  that i am missing terribly.....

paula made this wedding memory quilt and had everyone sign a block

i machine quilted it with bush berries by really is a well used panto...

finished up so nice

love all the sweet messages
another string of happy......i love them...they really do make me sooo happy
here is a link to my inspiration in case you missed how much i love dottie angel's new book....if you like vintage it is a special book to have!!! xoxoxox hope you all had  a great monday..... ~ pam ~

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

not feeling so fine

all started last week with a bit of stomach cramps and aches and pains....after blood work at the docs and a ct scan i was in the hospital just like that....with an abscessed cyst on my fallopian tube that needed some serious iv antibiotics.....i think i am one lucky girl cuz i am back home again , i will still need to take antibiotics for a few more weeks and then i will see my doctor again...fingers crossed that it will all fix itself.....otherwise i will be having a wee bit of surgery....

a few aches and pains

and all of the sudden i am attached to the iv pole dancing for me though

pam's hospital flower shop....thank you to my dear friend's and family for all their love
pink gerbers and  pink roses beautiful

i received several  gorgeous orchids

i can never get over their intricate detail

and another beauty
judy and carrie from my quilt group brought me a bit of this color combo....don't be jealous jenny

and kay brought me these adorable little gnomes
i even found some stairs
special  delivery to my front door today....and they smell soooo good
so now...i have a few weeks where i HAVE to take it easy....who knows what i will start or finish up....hope my next post is all about a FINISHED project..... xoxoxox ~ pam ~

Monday, October 3, 2011

dottie angel's book and my first string of happy.....

kay and i went to assemble gallery for dottie angel's book signing .....we missed you jenny!!

so nice to meet you tif....and have our lovely and i mean very lovely books signed
this is a very fine list

and a very nice signed copy to ME....she told us that she was feeling a bit of pressure signing w  permanent pen but had decided she would simply cross out and write crappity crap if that happened xoxo

of coarse we asked for this shot [my sister requested it actually] she explains in her book how this "off with her head " all got started....

she had all sorts of her lovlies at the gallery

inspired me to be on the lookout for doilies....

uppercase from calgary alberta canada published this is volume 2 of their suitcase series

i am on the search for these colorful crochet threads too....

pondering vintage all weekend......this is some of my collectables
 from my stash of little ittie bitties....
and my brand new little ball of crochet thread....i made my first but definitely not my last "little string of happy"

it is already hanging in it's special place in the spare room making me smile :]
and this vintage like quilt called table scraps by quilt soup  is waiting patiently for me to machine quilt
and  use in the guest room that is also waiting to be painted yellow .... do you see the vintage thing going on?
and here is the one and only treasure i found at vv yesterday.....49cents

i have been thinking and dreaming vintage all i am and have always been part vintage....i have always loved old things and have plenty of bits here and there...
tif is pure vintage....she dresses vintage and her home is all vintage...she says she dresses the way she crafts...her book is so fine...i am a very happy girl to have a signed copy that i will treasure and be inspired by!!!
happy monday to all xoxo ~ pam ~