
Friday, October 29, 2010

Colors of Halloween

It is colorful Friday with Robyn time!!

The most colorful part of Halloween this year will  be  my 25th wedding anniversary! Nick and I met just before Halloween and we were married on Halloween...and now.... many Halloweens later....
I am making a quilt of coarse .... it is not going to be finished by this Sunday but I have started it....Heart and Home by Suzanne McNeill pieced and appliqued with Moda's Gobble Gobble is perfect for this very special celebration...I plan on backing this  big enough for two quilt with flannel and cuddling with it for many more years together....Happy Anniversary Nick!

And now for a few other colors of Halloween.....

there is a blanket of leaves and pine needles everywhere

a fave in my neighborhood

on the side

this tree looks like it  is on fire


regular maintenance

along the fence

under my feet

Halloween on steroids


another fire

my back steps

in my garden

on the tree swing

entwined with the hose

I love leaves....even in my house

creepy right??

turban squash

Buggy Barn Crazy Rays

pumpkin lights on the party gazebo

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Come Fly With Me

Sully made this adorable kite quilt....The pattern is - Come Fly With Me by Tammy Tadd.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tiny Town

Just finished machinequilting this cutiepatootie for Joyce ....Tiny Town is a Bunny Hill pattern and is available  as a kit at Keepsake Cottage.   It is pieced and appliqued with a few  Moda groups...I recognize alot of Fig Tree prints.

Friday, October 22, 2010

orange you happy it's Friday?   What fun!!....even with a very busy week I managed to think about orange quite often ...I love checking out Robyn's Colorful Fridays and seeing where everyone is from  and what treasures they find to photograph.... Robyn, thanks so much for organizing this....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

just got back from the airport

I just dropped the sisters off...we had a great visit...a lot of fabric shopping...a bit of sewing...a  few hours on the longarm...lots of good food...a few wonderful fall walks and never enough time....

St.Edwards Park

Sea Holly @ Bastyr herbal garden

sisters sewing

Chuckanut Drive

Matthew's quilt done with Spa by Windham Fabrics...Susan's design ...quilted with Bubbles panto by Lorien

the beautiful back of Matthew's quilt

Joy's Figgy Pudding quilted with Square Dance panto by Anne Bright

Denyse Schmidt treasures found at Quilting Loft in Ballard and Fourth Corner Quilts in Bellingham

Macaroni Love Story by Heather Ross made by Spoonflower

first time I ordered from came special in the mail wrapped in tissue with a pretty flower sticker....can you tell I love it??

also from Spoonflower but this is  Spring Picnic by Natalie

miscellaneous treasures from Keepsake Cottage, Fabric Crush ,Aunt Mary's and Calico Creations

sweet little pincushion by Moda

herbpot from Trader Joes...